Thursday, May 24, 2007

COMING SOON! An interview with Dr. Rafael Fonseca

I have something interesting to share with you. I will be having a post titled: 'A conversation with the Mayo Clinic Consultant, Professor of Medicine, Site Director for Hematological Malignancies (in Scottsdale, AZ), who is Dr. Rafael Fonseca. I will be asking him similar questions that I did with Dr. Philip Greipp. What the latest advancements in treating hematologic malignancies are and hear what the future holds for treatment. Does he have confidence we will conquer the disease by 2015? What exciting issues are being discussed in Greece at the XIth International Myeloma Workshop in Kos, Greece. Stay tuned.....

(Dr. Fonseca is pictured here with Dr. Greipp at the Parthenon in Greece).