Following on the heals of the recently passed Caroline Pryce Walker Conquer Childhood Cancer Act, Rep. Joe Sestak has announced the formation of a bipartisan Pediatric Cancer Caucus, which he will chair, to provide a voice for children in this country who are suffering from cancer.
As you know, the Conquer Childhood Cancer Act will provide $30 million, annually, over a period of five years to develop grants for research fellowships in pediatric cancer, to fund a population-based national childhood cancer database and to award grants to childhood cancer organizations to raise public awareness, ensuring access to the best available therapies for pediatric cancers.
Congressman Sestak noted that “this Caucus will protect the interest of the often voiceless victims of cancer who for so long have benefitted from the leadership of Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-OH) and will be missed when she retires later this year.” As a constituent who recognizes your commitment to cancer causes, I urge you to join the Pediatric Cancer Caucus to continue your championing of children’s cancer issues in Congress.Thank you for your support.