I received this wonderful news today from the LLS (and thank you to everyone who helped support this cause):
Dear Natalie,
Congratulations! Your perseverance has paid off! The Congressional resolution declaring September 2010 as Blood Cancer Awareness Month (H.Res.1433) has reached the 100 co-sponsor milestone needed for it to be considered by Congress.
September has long been recognized as Leukemia & Lymphoma Awareness Month, but this Congressional resolution adds an official emphasis that helps advance our cause. By raising awareness and support for blood cancers within the halls of the Capitol we strengthen our case for more cancer research funding, renewed funding for the Blood Cancer Education Program and other programs vital to the health and well-being of all blood cancer patients.
This success is a result of the dedication and commitment of LLS's advocates across the country. Volunteers have championed this cause since it was initiated in June and the barrage of emails, phone calls, and newspaper opinion pieces during the August Call for Cures Campaign had a tremendous impact.
We are also grateful for the help of Reps. Walter Jones (R-NC) and Betsy Markey (D-CO), the resolution's original sponsors, who took to the floor of the House of Representatives and urged their colleagues to co-sponsor the resolution.
The resolution now goes before the House Energy and Commerce Committee for approval before being sent to the House floor. Thank you and congratulations!